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Welcome to my personal website! I am Zhetian Jia, a PhD student in Epigenetics, specializing in DNA methylation research. My work primarily focuses on how cutting-edge liquid biopsy technologies can help uncover early diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for neurological diseases.

In my research, I explore how DNA methylation changes impact gene regulation, aging, and disease development, particularly in neurological diseases and cancer. My current focus includes:

  • Dynamic Changes in DNA Methylation: Using liquid biopsy techniques to analyze cfDNA in peripheral blood, I investigate how methylation patterns correlate with the onset, progression, and prognosis of various diseases.
  • Single-Cell Analysis: I utilize single-cell methylation data to explore the epigenetic modifications of neural cell populations, with particular emphasis on diseases like Moyamoya.
  • Innovative Technologies: I am developing and applying novel micro DNA modification detection methods and high-throughput data analysis workflows to bridge the gap between genomic research and clinical applications.

On this site, you will find updates on my research progress in DNA methylation, liquid biopsy, and neuroscience. I also share reviews and insights on recent developments in epigenetics.

Feel free to explore my research, technical implementations, and my broader thoughts on epigenetics. If you have any questions or collaboration opportunities, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Research Areas:

  • DNA Methylation in Neurological Diseases
  • Liquid Biopsy Techniques & cfDNA Analysis
  • Single-Cell Methylation and Gene Function Research
  • Epigenetic Technology Development & Data Analysis

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