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Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by and licensed under the BSD license. It was originally created for the Python documentation, but it has since been extended to support other languages and domains.


  • 输出格式: HTML(包括Windows HTML帮助),LaTeX(适用于可打印的PDF版本),ePub,Texinfo,手册页,纯文本

Table of contents


installation via conda:

conda create -n sphinx python=3.10 sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

activate the environment:

conda activate sphinx

getting started

Sphinx 纯文本文档源集合的根目录称为源目录。此目录还包含 Sphinx 配置文件

Sphinx 附带一个名为sphinx-quickstart的脚本,该脚本会设置源目录

cd methylTracer_docs/



toctree是 reStructuredText指令,一种用途非常广泛的标记

build/: 包含生成的文档的目录。 make.bat and Makefile: 便捷脚本 source/ 保存 Sphinx 项目配置的 Python 脚本 source/index.rst: 项目的主页,也是项目文档的入口

Option-1: make html:

make html

Option-2: build html:

sphinx-build -M html source build

open _build/html/index.html in your browser to view the generated documentation.

clean up:

make clean

github pages

To publish your Sphinx documentation on GitHub Pages, follow these steps:

donot load build/ folder in your repository.